Friday, February 3, 2012

"Hat a Day" Wrap Up

Well, it's been a few days now and I'd like to say that I'm all caught up on sleep but it is just on to the next thing trying to catch up on the backlog of work. I thought that I'd revisit the project for a moment and reflect on how I thought that it went.
 I had a few things in mind when I started.  I wanted to have an outlet for some built up creative energy from working straight production and selling at lots of shows culminating with the craziness of the holiday season. January is always difficult for an artist with the focus on bookkeeping, taxes and applying to shows. This project enabled me to focus my attention creatively and create 31 one of a kind hats without regard to time, costs and production concerns. I ended up with quite a few great hats. The photographs of the hats can be used to jury into shows as well as a body of work for a show and sale at the end of the project.
I also wanted to use it as an opportunity to help me get a handle on learning more of how to use social media for my business and better connect with my customers. My blog now begins with a sizable body of work and I got posting down to where it was second nature. I hope that all of you have enjoyed checking out the hats each day and I look forward to sharing my experiences with you as well as seeing the direction this blog takes as it develops a life of it's own.

1 comment:

  1. Such a smart brilliant project Kate. Can't wait to see each and every one of these beauties,
